reaallyyyy i need one. how on earth do they achieve it?? damn hard T_T

Weekend is almost here!

okay. i take my words for granted. shamefully i cant blog regularly even just for once a week ==”

its been a looooong week.
the company i’m working in held a big meeting of supporting divisions for all branch in wed and thu (its Fri nite atm). i am ‘invited’ to be a participant, and as a newbie i really confused of what they were talking about, mostly. Lol so i brought my laptop and working instead of listening important presentations #failed. i’m such an awful employee #sorry

and as a first-timer, what i feel is..


seriously. i only heard about the story about human who dont think that money is a big deal. i met some irl at the end, and feel like, wow. bosses’ level are different. well but that’s another story.

first day last on 8 PM and second day last on 11 PM o_O started from 7.30 am and minimum break. my butt is going flat lol

so obviously i’m not home so much, i’m homesick and lost my appetite. irl i am a big eater. even not-so-delicious food and nearly-staled food are no problemo for me and i will eat it like a pig. and i feel hungry easily. but during the meeting, i’m not hungry even the lunch break was delayed for 2 hours. i only eat a little and feel that i’m already full. not because of the food. they tasted amazing. but i just feel like, not in the mood 😦

i was homesick.

yesterday the meeting is over, everyone from faraway branches is going home, and everyone else in HQ is exhausted. their faces seemed like “we want holiday!” lol.

so yeah, tomorrow is last working day for this week, and we are ready for sunday, ayey! 😀

posting curhat. lol.

short post, but the weight is a bit lifted! i’m a bit stressed over the to-do list that the meeting gathered for me. i’m excited and anticipating towards it very much, but still. it’s kinda scary, and a bit stressful lol. i will definitely do my best! ^^

dream jobs i will never do in this world


pesimistic title, eh? 

omg so cute haha. found some emoticons here.

well. in this world, there are some things that we can’t do. for any reasons. just simply because you are not the ‘right’ gender, or because it’s prohibited in your religion, anything. i was thinking of this stuff at office this afternoon, while procrastinating and thought to tweet it. but tweets fades and disappears easily. i want to read this someday in the future i think, so yeah, why don’t blog it instead?

so here’s my list

  • make up artist

no no. i am not a make up kind of girl, i can’t use it. i look like a shemale if  i put on some in my face lol. i understand makeup, yes. but, just, it’s not for me.. i dont like to see my face changed after i erase it all too. lol i dont have the guts.


i reeeeeeally love to draw face. that’s my drawing specialty, one of the best object i draw is female face. just how wonderful it feels, makes some color strokes on a beautiful face, make them even more beautiful? :’) i love japanese style makeup, with dramatic eyes and creates slightly natural-but-surreal (wut?) kind of looks. aah love!

but.. i can’t do this. because tabarruj is prohibited in islam. woman are not supposed to expose themselves, so obviously fancy clothing and makup is not our things. i don’t like to see woman walkin around showing off their beauty on the streets either.. so i keep this dream behind. thinking of doing it brings enough happiness to me.. so i’m satisfied drawing eye shadows on paper :’) also, i’m not good at dealing with girls


  • human sculpturer and/or painter

basically, artist?

this, too, i can’t do because it is prohibited to sculpture and paint living creature in Islam. i draw a lot before, yes. but i do my best to stop. i’m into background and flower painting now. fruits are good too. cute random things like bows, jars, and kitchen stuff are nice to draw too. i’m happy, so let it be. i am a programmer anyway, i see art as a hobby 

  • doctor

i obviously can’t be a doctor. i will always feel sorry for my patient LOL. i’m so sloppy, what if i left a scissor in someone’s tummy after a surgery? 😮

i’m happy being a proggrammer too, even if it’s confusing and i’m still trying my best to be a good one  but i love it. i proud to be one 

apa lagi ya?
tadi sore rasanya kepikiran banyak ==”


can’t remember the next ones >_<
will add some more if i remember XD

bye now 

Thanks God It’s Weekend! – Episode 01 + new layout


been looking for a theme to make me constantly posting at least for once a week. couldn’t find a good one for so long.. makes me feel depressed, “does my life really that flat, until some point that i cant find anything to blog about?”
so yeah here comes again the misterious insecurity (does this count as one? ah whatever *gig*)

and before the post (which is categorized as ga penting ==”) i’m changing layout! *yihi*
love this kind of clean layout. been thinking hard to choose between oulipo and neutra, and in the end i choose the neutra one. the tricolor stripes at each post is pretty! yeah, i’m still a girl anyway haha

aand the weekend post!


ewh, forget to compress the image o_O

what did i do this weekend?

making handkerchief, and gardening (?) omg sounds so girly lol
well it’s actually not.. i have a cold hands, don’t know it’s because my office’s aircon (AC) setting is too cold it’s really my hands or supported by nowaday’s weather (it’s now rainy season here) i always freezing after washing my hands in toilet lately. so i need some handkerchief to dry my hands. because i want to reduce my use of tissue paper (some go green issue) and actually the toilet paper runs out VERY FAST in woman’s toilet, so i decide to bring my own handkerchief. i own some, yes, but it’s made from towel and i can’t put it in my pockets. it’s too thick.. so i made one that looks like one that mairuru made in this post, with some additional details on my own.



yeah, sewing skill is so noob (so does taking pic skill — need much experience, and a better camera #eh), and i brilliantly started with making a silk one :hammer: so damn DIFFICULT omg. slimy as hell.. but it absorbs liquid very well at least. so deformed shape is apologized (by me) so i ended giving up at the end, and stop trying to sew the hem. just lock the fabric with serger machine. still zonk because i forget to release the foot lever :hammer:




and my mom makes clothing from it omg :’) sugoi!

i actually did the hankies on satnight. made some 20x20s and 25x25s (cotton ones). I handsew the hems of the cotton ones. gives a handmade touch and lock the excess fabric inside (i made it 2-layered). pretty!

hem sewing

hem sewing

sunday? gardening time haha
i made a promise with my mother to “do something” to our front yard in sunday, so i made my promise. all we do is cutting bushes and grasses, and cut down a barbarian thorny plant that i don’t know the name. it always stabs us with its thorns, hurts as hell! because, like bees, it leaves its thorn’s piece after each stab. so the thorns left in our skin, and it’s, once again, HURTS. omg

so we cut it down,

cut off

cut off. anyone knows this plant?

something that looks like aloe plant, but uglier. and more dangerous. imagine an aloe with ultra hard and painful thorns, without all the moisture, gel, and the benefits. that’s it

btw the standing version of the pic is several years ago. it was smaller, and notice the hand? that’s my brother’s ;))
try to make the image stacked like instagram-y pic, but failed lol

yeah, it was hard and actually very tiring, but fun! some of our flower plants are blooming, there’s butterflies and everything so we are happy doing it. two woman gardening and laughing for every little thing (my brother went to climb some mountain). it was fun!




half-bloomed bud ❤

mr red kermit

mr red kermit



this one is annoyingly photogenic lol. have tons of this babe's pic <3

this one is annoyingly photogenic lol. have tons of this babe’s pic ❤

some hibiscus buds

some hibiscus buds

need to photoshop the pics to make the colours look better :hammer: the weather is cloudy, so the image is “grey-ish” (sounds like make up lol). flash would ruin the image worse, and i can’t always blame my beloved camera. i’m not a photographer either, so photoshop is not prohibited eh? so yeah \m/

blabbering. sorry.

that’s it. long postt omg. hope you can enjoy it.
sorry for my english, i’m still learning :’)

how is your weekend? 🙂

How To Remove Correction Fluid Stain on Fabric


my brother has a new biking backpack, and one day he brought it to school, and bring it back home with some white stain. his friend accidentally spill it on his bag. don’t really understand why and how, but this is how his bag looks like when he brought it home

white spots

he’s quite sad, because he bought that bag with his own savings. so as a good sister (lol) i googled on how to clean correction fluid stain as this bag shouldn’t be washed with detergent and washing machine. so many alternatives on how to do it, so i add one more to the collection

what you need:

alcohol / thinner (i use one that comes with correction fluid package)
cotton buds



wait until the correction fluid dried, rub the upper layer until only the white stain remains. don’t rub if the fluid is still wet, you will make it worse. let it dry, rub, and just dab it with alcohol/thinner soaked cotton bud until it’s gone. you can dab at both side if the fluid penetrates into the other side of the fabric. in my case, my bro’s bag is water resistant or something so the stain doesn’t go too far. it only stains in one side of the fabric, so i only need to rub one side 🙂

aaaaand its gone! shining like new, and my bro is happy again.


hope this helps 😀

facial massage and crochet pattern – SO EN


posting berbau centil, hahaha. ceritanya di rumah ada banyak majalah purba, bejibun sih tepatnya. ini majalah SO EN edisi sekitar taun 80-90 an,, will share some of my fave parts: crochet handbags, pouches, ide daur ulang dasi, and how to massage your face. will add some more kl scan lagi heheh : ) . enjoy!

setiap manusia …

setiap manusia memiliki sifat hasad dan hasut, yang merupakan sifat dasar yahudi. namun yang membedakan, orang yang buruk melampiaskan, orang yang bijak menahan..

– ust Zainal Abidin



suddenly. adalah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan hari ini.. kemaren sih. sekarang udah “besok paginya” haha.
berita meninggalnya Akh Adi / Fawwaz.. buat yang biasa dengerin Radio Rodja, pasti kenal.
beliau biasanya jadi moderator siaran, yang juga suara2 dalam jeda siaran yang meneduhkan hati itu..
semoga amal ibadah beliau diterima oleh Allah.. Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajiun..

suddenly i realized, too. daripada terus mengeluhkan keadaan sekarang, sepertinya seharusnya saya harus banyak banyak bersyukur.. betapa Allah masih memberi saya teguran-teguran manis yang mengingatkan saya setiap kali kehilangan arah. dan bisa saja cobaan cobaan kecil ini, adalah sarana agar saya bisa menebus banyak kesalahan di masa lalu..

begitulah (apanya?)

oh iya. mari berdoa untuk saudara-saudara kita di palestina, semoga Allah selalu menguatkan hati mereka, dan menguatkan hati kita agar tidak goyah dalam melawan musuh.
i’m sad, really. and mad like crazy. get lost, jews.




*muncul lagi* mungkin adalah tagline yang paling tepat. haha. ceritanya saya ituuu pengeeen banget ngeblog sejak jaman dulu karena saya pengen bisa baca lagi pikiran-pikiran lama, to bring back some moments haha. tapi selalu tidak istiqomah *tsah dan “lewat” setelah satu-dua post.
pertama bikin wordpress (yang ini) sekitar tahun 2006. gak banyak berkembang, lalu move bikin blogspot, pun gak berkembang, terus tumblr, terus typepad, terus kompasiana, dst dst tidak ada kemajuan. mungkin sifat pengen coba coba begini yang bikin saya gak fokus ya. haha

so. i’m coming back to my old and the very first blog i’ve made. kinda “make a new start” sort of things, sekalian rehabilitasi (hahaha)

so here we go!


Efek Hujan dengan Photoshop + ImageReady

berikut adalah cara untuk membuat animasi *.gif sederhana dengan contoh membuat efek hujan… jadinya sbb:

tadinya saya mau tulis langsung di sini, tapi upload imagenya lamaaaa.. (gara2 saya males ngompres imagenya.. ukurannya masi 1280×800).. hehe) jadi ya saya uploadkan file *.doc nya aja dl ya..

met nyoba^^

ps: tool yang saya gunakan adalah Adobe Photoshop CS2 dan Adobe ImageReady CS2 (dua tool ini udah satu bendel, instal satu pasti keinstall duaduanya kok^^).. tapi kl anda pake Adobe Photoshop dan ImageReady 7.0 atau CS juga bisa,, ^^
